Monday, October 30, 2006
An Open Letter to Halloween Candy Providers
On a side note, I think I did good. Kept my candy purchasing to $15. Will it last? I hope so because I'm not going to be here to run to the dollar store if it runs out. I am trying hard to refrain from eating it. Will it work?
Stay tuned. There may be a PMS-y, expletetive laced post in the near future cursing the pound I may gain this week and why there is only Dum Dums left in the bowl!
But I admit, I love a holiday dedicated to candy!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Make New Friends But Keep the Old??
What criteria do you use to define a friend? Or Best Friend? Is it that you speak once a day? Do you see each other more than twice a week? This whole women and friendships thing just boggles me.
You see as a child, I didn't have a lot of friends. I was nerdy, half-Filipino and poor. I longed to be in the popular clique I finally got in as the "token nerd" in 8th grade. It didn't last very long. I soon realized that even though I had all these "friends" that I was quite lonely because they were so flighty and devoid of personality. As I matured and hit puberty I found it much easier to relate to boys. They were not ever going to laugh at me because I wore K-Mart jeans with a Guess patch sewn on. They would not forget about me when a new more exciting kid came along. So I have always had more men friends or have found it easier to have relationships with men because the women had always let me down one way or the other.
For me I can say that my idea of friendship is being there for one another. Being honest with each other. Making time to hang out and enjoy each other or at least speaking once a day for my cyber friends.
Cyber friends are wonderful. The internet is the way to go to protect ones fragile ego from being crushed by others. There are a few women I've encountered on the net whom I've made "friends" with. I have never met them IRL but I enjoy their cyber company and their personalities immensely. We've all been together since being preggo with our August babes and it's the first time I've had lasting friendships with women aside from my real really live friend Nicole.
My cyber gal pals and I are planning a get together in Baltimore next month. I'm really looking forward to it and am glad that we'll FINALLY get to meet face to face vs. phone to phone or screen to screen. Even though I'm sort of scared too about what they'll think of "real" me.
I don't know why it's now, maybe it's motherhood or hormones but for the first time in my life, I crave female company. I want a friend to go on "girls weekends", a friend to meet for dinners and someone who will listen to me complain when my hubby does stupid things.
Not that my cyber buds don't fit the bill...maybe I am falling into the old American dream trap of "let's want more! let's have more! supersize me!! Give me friends! Validate me is really more like it I think. Validate me that I'm a good person, that I'm worthy of friendship that all my traits of loyalty and compassion have not been lost on just my family and the grocery store clerk.
I'm also nostalgic too. My 10 yr reunion is coming up and I'm sad that people I was friendly with I've lost touch with and that the number of people whom I considered friends are kind of laughing at me now. Oh um I don't remember you?? Amber who?
Guess I should end this rant. Gabriel has dumped out foam ABC's all over my floor and is bombarding me with "I HUNGEE MOMMEEEEEE!!!!"
Friday, October 20, 2006
Feel Like I'm Falling for Fall
Can you feel it? Smell it?? Fall is upon us. Baking and pies and stews and soups. Ahhh yum! The leaves in our area are near peak. I have a few pics to share later on but I just wanted to say how much I am looking forward to November. First is my trip to the Ravens vs. Bengals game on 11/5!!! GO CINCY!! Yes I'm a Bengals fan, I started watching in 03 and grew quite fond of my little team that could!
Here's me in my #85 Chad Johnson jersey (excuse the hair, I was windblown)
11/7 is of course election day! I'll be out at the polls bright and early and even though apathy runs rampant in our society, please VOTE!! Do SOMETHING!
I'm headed to PSL FLA on 11/10! Whoopie! Amber Alone Time! I say I'll be happy and have fun but I'll miss the kids from the time I land till I get home!
Then there is THANKSGIVING!!! I love the family getting together at my house and baking all night before hand. I'll be making Pecan Tarts and a Pumpkin Streusel Bundt along w/ pumpkin and apple pies! Plus the Turkey and sides! Mmmmm!!! Gotta love a holiday dedicated to food, family and football!!
Gooooo BENGALS!!!!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
This about sums up Gabriel right about now. He's been testing me to the breaking point this morning and I'm already very moody/depressed/repressed.
Ah the joys of motherhood on days like today.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Almost 20 Years Later
I can't tell if it's the coming of age, rebel against Daddy and he still loves you factor or just the incredible CHEMISTRY that Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayz have. I often wonder if they were involved during the filming. There were rumors but Swayze was married to his (still) wife Lisa Niemi.
Can anyone believe it's almost been 20 years?? Ick. I feel old. Saw this in the theater.
I often fantasize Baby and Johnny ran off together and live happily ever after and have a gaggle of Mambo dancing babes...what's your fantasy of them??
Friday, October 13, 2006
Financial Stability
Well here's my long drawn out take:
Yes because it's important to be able to take care of your children and no because you shouldn't be barrred from becoming a parent just because you lack insurance or a big fancy bank account.
I don't think the issue is as black and white as we'd like to make it because there are more arguments to be made.
As long as you can take care of your children it's none of my business.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Through Thick and Thin
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head
Let's journey back to yesterday. I had an entire day to myself to do whatever I wanted. My mother in law had Gabriel and the others were at school. I was so relaxed I was positive someone had slipped some Paxil into my lunch. I was preparing for Gabriel to come home and my mother in law decided to let him stay. The older ones got home from school and played so great like best friends. What a dream day!
Fast forward to today. Gabriel comes home. He's overtired from lack of sleep and is a total monster most of the morning till his 11 a.m nap. Ah break. I squeeze in some stupid exercise and try to get my Serene Mother Earth Goddess mojo flowing. UM yeah fucking right! Kids still fight, the rain keeps coming, Jake gets 3rd F in a row on reading comprehension test. You see the path this is going down right?? Finally I broke down and drug their bad asses to the dollar store for a new Bob the Builder tape, puzzles and dress up shoes. *sigh*
On top of that I tossed and turned all night due to horrible nightmares. One wear my specialist doctor is a big moron and the other some crazy ass people are trying to kill me. Nice eh? Oh and to top all of that off my period's due tomorrow and my hemorrhoid is flared up.
Who wants to top me or trade horror stories?? Anyone???? Bueller???
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Mommy Blues
More often than not, I'm losing it on my kids. I don't know if it's a particularly nasty case of PMS or if it's a symptom of something else. I have had a few bouts of depression lately over concerns for my health. I had some abnormal blood test results and have been referred to a gastrointestinal specialist. All of that coupled with my feeling like I have no identity anymore have left me a neurotic bitch.
I want to enjoy my children. I want to be here with them. But lately I find myself longing for an identity that belongs to me. I love that I am their mom and that is such a privilege. Sometimes I just want something just for me, ya know? I want to be Amber Henderson exciting vivacious *insert noun*. I don't want to be just 'Bella's mom' Jake's Mom'
But deep down, if I never do anything else with myself. I know I'll always be proud to be a mom to three beautiful, intelligent kids.
Will it be enough? For now, yes. Ask me again later...
Monday, October 02, 2006
Video Killed the Radio Star
Video Killed the Radio Star...Video Killed the Radio Star....
Ok so I know that I watch way more t.v. than the average person but can I just say that I'm totally psyched that Breaking Bonaduce is back on VH1 starting October 22!!!!
Ah nothing like watching the trainwreck that is Danny Bonaduce to make yourself feel better about your life. Have you seen the promos? They look great!
Also tonight is the premiere of The Bachelor: Rome. 25 women in a catfight over a Prince. Should also be uplifting fare for those of us who need a pick me up as well.
The end of The Flavor of Love is upon us and I'm still shocked that I'm still hooked to this addictive and disturbing at times show. Choose Deelishis!!!
I am evil, I must be destroyed. MWUHAAHAHAHAA!
Now I just need Donald Driver to have a terrible night to make my ENTIRE WEEK!!! My Trophy Wives FFL team NEED THIS WIN!! Go Eagles shut down the Packers.
*solemn music for my Bengals who are now 3-1* :(