Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Nothing Like Procrastination...

To kick you in your ass and get you motivated and into the jolly spirit! Well not so much jolly spirit. I need snow and cold, NOT nearly 60 degree weather!

Every year my hubby and I wait till the ever loving last minute to get Xmas together. *sigh* Today I got almost all of the nieces and nephews done and I still have to get something for my hubby and finish up kid stuff.

I think this post is potpourri'ish because I need to empty my mind.

Let's see. I have the baby craving mostly I think because I need a "project." I have thought of going back to work in some capacity but then I get depressed. All I know is that I need to do SOMETHING!

Gabriel is potty training. He's doing pretty well. Pooped (mostly by accident) yesterday on the potty and that's good but also adds to the baby craving.

Dazed and Confused is on right now. Nostalgia much? I used to love to get crazy with my friends and laugh my ass off at this movie and it strikes me that Matthew McConnaughey is pretty much himself the entire movie (see Stoner Wooderson).

Ok Gabriel is attempting to brush teeth. Gotta go!

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