Monday, September 25, 2006

Food for Thought

So as I was making a pan of scalloped potatos and thinking back to a comment on Karrie's blog I started obsessing over food and nutrition and kids.

You see a frequent a certain parenting website (would I call it that?) well whatever so I go there and have been there since Gabriel (my 2 y/o) was in utero. Most everyone there is great and love them but I think sometimes I'm a masochist because I let myseslf be bothered by things I read w/ regard to food and kids.

Let me travel back in time for a minute. We were lower middle class growing up, hell sometimes we were just poor. We had box dinners. We ate Ramen and Velveeta and things with trans fat. Gasp! So fast forward to today. I'm a mom myself. I have 3 kids. Jake 8, Bella 4 and Gabriel 2. I do the best I can to make sure the kids eat somewhat healthy foods. But here's the thing that bugs me. I always feel like I'm not doing enough and it's because of my stupid insecurities coupled with the competitive nature of parenting.

I'll admit. I have not always made healthy choices. I am also a creature of habit. I stick to what I know and love out of fear of the unknown. Now as I've matured I've tried new things and since losing my 60lbs over the last three years I've been more healthy. I'm trying to promote a healthy lifestyle and better eating habits.

That said. Old habits die a slow hard, tortorous death. Trying to get my 8 y/o to eat an apple is a friggin nightmare. Quelle horror (thanks Ted )that I might actually make mac and cheese from scratch and try to sneak whole grains in. *sigh* It's a constant battle and some days I win some days I lose.

I'll admit my kids have fruit snacks, they eat peanut butter and jelly on white bread, they sometims even eat Kraft Mac and Cheese. I also admit that when I read what some kids and parents will eat some of it doesn't sound all that appealing to me. Not to mention that I live in rural WV and if I went to Wal Mart to ask for something like sun dried tomato hummus they'd probably a. ask me what it is and b. laugh me right out! So I'm not against healthy or different things, but I'm also too limited by geography.

In closing I do the best I can and as long as my kids are active and healthy I do not begrudge them a Pop Tart if their little hearts long as they have a piece of fruit later I go again................


karrie said...

Mmmmm! Scalloped potatoes are always a smart feeding choice.

Anonymous said...

Hrm, I used to be a message board junkie myself. I started over at SheBlows, then moved onto Ezbitches. I much more like the blogging thing.