Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Living in a 2 Party House

Oh sometimes it's hard to be me and live in my house.

My husband and I are at opposite ends of the political spectrum and some days like today I feel soo very oppressed.

I'm a staunch liberal although I think I am more close to center vs. far left. My husband on the other hand says he's independent but listens to nothing but Fox News and spouts "O'Reilly-isms" Very frustrating.

Today I bring up elections and he says he might vote. What the hell is up with that? Why not vote? Better to use your vote than waste it is my opinion but what the heck do I know. I take voting ultra serious. I am a grandchild of Filipino immigrants and a woman to boot so it's a privilege I take to heart.

I think I'm disgusted and annoyed by the state of our political arena. The smear and fear, the negativity of it all. What happened to elections being about issues?? When did it turn into "he said this 20 years ago, or "she voted with so and so against this." I'm sick to death of it but am determined not to be dissuaded into casting a vote.

The war is the main issue on my mind. I've read about how we got there and don't get me confused, I support the troops, but I feel we need to get the exit strategy going. Every day is bloodier and bloodier. So that's how I will be basing a majority of my vote.

It pisses me off when people say that we who are opposed to the war are unpatriotic or are somehow against the troops. It's so thoughtless. Don't they get we can support the troops w/o supporting the war?? Ugh.

Basically now that I've ranted. Do your part. Do your research and vote on FACTS not rhetoric.



Anonymous said...

You know how I feel. But I must point out, political campaigns have been UGLY as long as they have existed...some of the ugliest around were WAY back when, between our founding fathers...

Cricket said...

My hubby and I are the same way, it sux! Good luck