Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Mommy Blues

So here I am finally with a moment to gather my thoughts. I've been so harassed and stressed out lately that I'm surprised I haven't turned into a babbling idiot.

More often than not, I'm losing it on my kids. I don't know if it's a particularly nasty case of PMS or if it's a symptom of something else. I have had a few bouts of depression lately over concerns for my health. I had some abnormal blood test results and have been referred to a gastrointestinal specialist. All of that coupled with my feeling like I have no identity anymore have left me a neurotic bitch.

I want to enjoy my children. I want to be here with them. But lately I find myself longing for an identity that belongs to me. I love that I am their mom and that is such a privilege. Sometimes I just want something just for me, ya know? I want to be Amber Henderson exciting vivacious *insert noun*. I don't want to be just 'Bella's mom' Jake's Mom'

But deep down, if I never do anything else with myself. I know I'll always be proud to be a mom to three beautiful, intelligent kids.

Will it be enough? For now, yes. Ask me again later...


karrie said...

I hear you!

School has helped me a little, but I still have really angsty, cranky days.

Judy said...

School helps Karrie. Wine helps me.

We all do what we can to get through. And coming from someone who has an almost 11 year old, trust me, it truly goes fast.

Of course, then you have to worry about other things ...

Amber said...

Yes Judy, wine helps me as well! Good to know I'm normal!