Friday, October 06, 2006

Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head

Ah that about sums up the weather. It's been a craptastic rainy day today complete w/ sleep deprived toddler and restless preschooler.

Let's journey back to yesterday. I had an entire day to myself to do whatever I wanted. My mother in law had Gabriel and the others were at school. I was so relaxed I was positive someone had slipped some Paxil into my lunch. I was preparing for Gabriel to come home and my mother in law decided to let him stay. The older ones got home from school and played so great like best friends. What a dream day!

Fast forward to today. Gabriel comes home. He's overtired from lack of sleep and is a total monster most of the morning till his 11 a.m nap. Ah break. I squeeze in some stupid exercise and try to get my Serene Mother Earth Goddess mojo flowing. UM yeah fucking right! Kids still fight, the rain keeps coming, Jake gets 3rd F in a row on reading comprehension test. You see the path this is going down right?? Finally I broke down and drug their bad asses to the dollar store for a new Bob the Builder tape, puzzles and dress up shoes. *sigh*

On top of that I tossed and turned all night due to horrible nightmares. One wear my specialist doctor is a big moron and the other some crazy ass people are trying to kill me. Nice eh? Oh and to top all of that off my period's due tomorrow and my hemorrhoid is flared up.

Who wants to top me or trade horror stories?? Anyone???? Bueller???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nope, you got it, I can't top that. You want me to pick you up in the ark?!?!